On the day of Heller’s life celebration, his grandmother (Mapa) said these words:
“Many people have mentioned the fact that this tragedy (the loss of our sunshine) is heightened by the fact that it happened around Christmas, and they wonder how we will ever get through another Christmas.
Christmas is Christ’s day and we will continue to celebrate Jesus on that day! But December 22nd will be a day reserved for celebrating the life of Heller, and we will celebrate on that day (and perhaps a few days prior to) the way he would want us to. On that day, we will go out and make a change, do a good deed, and let the world know that a little boy once lived for that special reason.”
So, on December 22nd, Heller’s friends and family will honor his memory by spreading random (and deliberate) acts of kindness to others. We encourage you to go out and spread some kindness of your own.
Then, if you would like to, please leave a comment or send an email to BecauseofHeller@aol.com and share what you did, what you witnessed, or what others did for you so we may share Heller's impact with others. So we can remember that we are still celebrating his life!
Have You Received a Kindness Inspired by Heller?
If you received a card like the one below, and/or a kindness inspired by Heller, please share your story, so we may know how Heller's kindness touched the lives of others. You may leave a comment, or you may email your story to be posted on the blog to BecauseofHeller@aol.com.
Help this Site Grow Because of Heller
This year, we are making the choice to look forward to December 22nd! We cannot wait to share Heller's kindness with others. We know there will be difficult times as the date grows nearer, so we look forward to stopping by this site during those times to see what kindnesses are growing and to share stories of our kindnesses as well.
Please feel free to send an email to BecauseofHeller@aol.com with any suggestions, comments, thoughts, or ideas about how we can make December 22nd even more special "Because of Heller."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Random Act of Kindness Idea - Do Something Nice for Others who Cannot Do for Themselves
Heller read to his baby brother every day. He performed this act of kindness for his Mommy (so she could get some of her work done) and for his little brother, who loved to listen and imitate his big brother.
Perhaps you shared a kindness with someone or perhaps someone shared a kindness with you. We would love to hear from you so we may post it here on our site in order to spread the joy and to inspire others. Please email becauseofheller@aol.com.
Click Here
A Special Thank You
Heller's family would like to thank all of the people who attended Heller's life celebration on the morning of December 29, 2007. We are also grateful for all of the cards, flowers, food, phone calls, donations, hugs, and prayers lifted up in Heller's name. We miss him so much, but your love and kindnesses throughout the last year have helped us through our loss.
The Heller and Ritz Families
Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
Compassion and Mercy are Kindnesses
Scrape the ice and snow off a neighbor’s car so that when they come out to drive, it’s ready
Return a grocery cart to the store for someone
Give someone your newspaper when you finish reading it
Rake leaves/shovel snow in someone else's yard
Do the dishes in the company kitchen sink
Buy an inspirational book for a friend
Walk your neighbor's dog
Compliment a colleague for his/her work
Let someone know how they inspire you
Carpool to work...be kind to the environment
Take over your brother's or sister's chores for the day
Order and pay for a pizza for your neighbor.
Donate leftover food from your holiday party to a homeless shelter
Plant a tree or some flowers
Mow someone's grass, pull weeds in their yard, trim
Bring donuts or coffee cake to work to share
Be a good neighbor. Bake cookies and stop by with them just to say "hello"
Help a friend wash his/her car
Leave a thank you card along with your tip
Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person
Give blood
Tell your children how special they are
Give someone a "kiss" to lift their spirits...a chocolate kiss
Invite someone new to lunch
Create a kindness coupon book for your mom or dad with favors you will do when asked
Tell a crossing guard how much you appreciate him/her
Leave a terrific book that you already read for someone else to find...put a note in it to let them know they are in for a treat...ask them to pass it on when they are finished
Play quietly in the morning so your parents can sleep in
Write a letter to someone you know...or don't know
Read a story to your younger sibling or a neighbor
Share the last cookie
Give the last cookie
Forgive someone...let him/her know
Make coffee for someone to wake up to
Add notes of appreciation to Christmas cards you give to teachers and friends
Buy a meal for the person behind you in the fast food line
Write a note to management at places where you especially appreciate the service. Name names.
Organize a toy, diaper, or clothing drive for needy families
Pay a debt for someone
Invite someone to church
Offer to babysit for parents who may need a chance to do some shopping
Draw a beautiful picture for your Mom or Dad
Offer to run errands for an elderly friend or relative
Tip someone who doesn't expect it
Volunteer as a family to work in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter
Set up a complimentary gift wrapping table in your neighborhood
Mend a broken relationship with a friend
Let someone else have the parking space you just found
Volunteer to read to children at the library
Buy a drink for the person behind you in Starbucks
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